Monday, December 27, 2010

and the netherlands is now number 2!

The Netherlands, one of the best performing teams in the recently concluded world cup, has pulled off another surprise.
Virtually just under everyone's radar (most especially mine) they have seized second spot overall from the United States as viewers of this blog just yesterday!
This comes as a huge surprise for The Paul Yan Experience team, since we only know of one couple from the Netherlands, Andre & Lorena La Pierre.  Perhaps they have been responsible for the surge in viewership in that part of europe... so, to everyone from the Netherlands, thank you for dropping by.
Oh, incidentally, you guys are just a breath away from also overtaking the Philippines, which is currently in first place.  If you do so, I think I might just write up a special piece on your country...

Raising a cup of hot chocolate to all of you...
and a cuban cigar to you, andre...

Jesus Paul C. Yan
for The Paul Yan Experience


minicooper29 said...

didn't know you had a thing for football. Love the game, played way back in elementary and high school.
Love watching Dutch teams playing the different European Leagues.

Paul Yan said...

I used to play for my school way way back...