Friday, May 30, 2008

Eat shit for lunch. Then pizza later.

Ever felt that work was all shitty stuff? And the guys dishing it out are all higher up than you? Yeah yeah.. everyone who has had a paycheck probably felt that way some time or another. But fresh out of school, fresh out of the best school your family could afford, you certainly couldn't quite get it. You know, how those incompetent shmucks ever got to where they are right now. And you, with your freshly minted and gold-stamped diploma, can't seem to get any recognition for the three reports they asked you to type. You know the feeling. You, with all your school debating experience, and the occasional high school quiz bee appearances televised over national TV... surely you're not cut out for this clerical shit. why doesn't anyone realize that? Your boss hands over the 4th report for you to retype. If you aren't cut out for it, then quit. but I guess the best advice is this. Eat shit in the morning. Then hopefully by nightfall, you would have made enough for you to go buy yourself a pizza.

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