When i asked this year's batch whether they wanted to do the usual environmental solo portrait assignment or would they prefer a walking tour of intramuros, the answer was unanimous. here then is a downloadable screensaver for the participants of The Paul Yan Experience, 2009.
from left to right: Irma, Mike, Banj, Joney, Muna, Adan, Jorge, Isabella.
not in the photo: Geoffrey, Nhoy, June, & Gem.
The lady on the right still has the lens cap on.
yep. glad you noticed. i had them aim their cameras at me while i was taking the group shot. the one on the right was using a rangefinder so she wasnt aware that the lenscap was still in front of the lens. it was just a pose anyway.. but thanks for noticing. it means the people are paying attention to details. regards,
paul yan
How about posting some photos of Intramuros ?
It would be interesting to see your group's treatment of a well photographed subject.
Hello JP, how are you na? Long time no see
photographs of intramuros?
that sounds like a good idea. ill see what the participants took and ill try to upload a couple eventually.
most of my walking and shooting trips emphasize looking for the ordinary and making it look good, while usually not paying too much attention to the iconic, which has been overly photographed. but as a visual exercise, i will have them shoot a famous landmark with the intention of seeing how they will add their personal style to it.
paul yan
Hello Francis!
so nice of you to drop by this blog site! I am well, thank you. we should meet up with our batchmates soon! and hey, your birthday is coming up!!!
JP Yan
september pa. yours malapit na
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